Jersey Cattle

About our Jersey Herd

We first became interested in Jersey Cattle in 2000.

After extensive research we felt we would like to explore first hand the potential of the Jersey Breed.

Since that time the breed has proven to be an invaluable asset to our farm operation,by providing high quality milk with the highest butter fat & protein content of all dairy breeds.

Our Jersey breeding program includes some of our 160 different Jersey bulls.

We have some extremely rare and vintage Jersey Semen that we use in our breeding & embryo programs; with a limited supply for sale. We have a nice selection of home bred,raised,and gentle Jersey Cows & bulls for sale. We train our bulls at a very young age to have impeccable manners. Due to our location & lack of conventional power we are unable to ship milk. Instead we have chosen to focus on confirmation, milk production, high butter fat & high protein along with disposition, hardiness, high fertility & longevity within a Grassfed operation.

Our calves are left with their own dams. This has produced calves that mature earlier,and are healthier & happier as nature intended. Due to our calf rearing practises, the Jersey cows we are breeding need to have the best udders possible. We tested & proved them for over 17 years in some of the harshest climate in North America at Pink Mountain,British Columbia Canada. We found that breeding & raising our own Jerseys in that environment has now blessed us with a very strong & hardy foundation of Jersey cattle.

The sheer beauty of the Jersey and the association of the name “Jersey” with “Richness & Quality”
assures an important place for this dairy breed now & in the future for us.

Our Minature Jersey Journey

We started with imported miniature Jersey Semen & used it on the smallest & best Jersey cows in our embryo breeding programs

With the addition of using our smaller Jersey bulls on our Lowline cows we started our upgrading Miniature Jersey program.

We soon realized that these small hardy miniature Jerseys were very economical with nice quantities of milk with high butterfat & protein.

It made sense to us adding more little Jerseys per acre of land and they fit nicely into our midsize Jersey and commercial beef herds at the same time.

We found there is a huge demand for Miniature Jerseys for which we still have not been able to fill the market especially since we are moving all of our various breeds of cattle towards A2/A2 genetics.