Lowline Cattle
About our lowlines
We first became interested in this miniature breed of beef cattle in 2008.
After extensive research on the Lowline,we were convinced this was the beef breed to raise in our harsh Northern climate. The first winter we had these Lowlines was all the proof we needed, as there was 5 consecutive weeks of -21 to -51 degrees celcius winds,more than 3 feet of snow and only trees as shelter.
These little cattle surpassed our expectatoins
Due to our location at the time in Pink Mountain, British Columbia these cattle finishing on grass & requiring no grain was a great advantage to us. When we started our Lowline herd in 2009 there was only about 500 registered fullblood Lowlines in Canada. We were honoured to be in on the ground floor developing,expanding and promoting the Lowline breed in Canada. Since that time the breed has proven to be an invaluable asset to our farm operation,by providing us with Lowlines that have the following attributes that we diligently breed for.
- Gentle
- 100% grass fed
- Low maintenance & feed efficiency
- Sound structure & longevity
- Some of the smallest in stature.
- Excellent fertility, calving ease and early maturing.
- Maternal efficiency
- Thick wide easy fleshing and marbling.
We tested & proved them for over eight years in some of the harshest climate in North America at Pink Mountain, British Columbia Canada. Due to our location there the Lowlines were raised on pasture year-round. We found that breeding & raising our Lowlines in this environment has now blessed us with a very strong and hardy foundation of Lowline cattle.
Our Lowline Cows and Bulls
Lowline Cross Bulls